Hi everyone,
We hope you’re fit, well and have had a wonderful Christmas. We’re all really disappointed that we aren’t welcoming you back today but we just wanted to get in touch and let you know how the remote learning will look in Year 6 while we’re locked down.
We are looking to retain as much of the typical school-day structure as possible so lessons will begin at 9am. Teachers will be available live via Google Classroom at various points in the day – some content is pre-recorded so that children can watch and re-watch it to support their learning. The work will be assigned using the ‘Year 6’ class on Google Classroom, which has newly been set up. Children should login and accept.
9am – Live check-in with a teacher.
9:05-9:45 – Watch the pre-recorded maths video and complete the work.
9:45-10:15 – Live check-in with the teacher who will answer any questions, help anyone who got stuck and go through the answers, to review the maths work.
10:15-10:45 – Reading activity to be specified by teacher (Reading Plus, Accelerated Reader or Reading Comprehension)
10:45-11:00 – BREAK
11:00-11:45 – Watch the pre-recorded English video and complete the work.
11:45-12:00 – Live check-in with teacher to review English work.
12:00-1:30 Lunch/break/free time.
1:30- 2:15 – Watch the pre-recorded topic lesson and complete the work.
2:15-2:30 – Live check-in with teacher to review topic work.
2:30-3:00 – Independent activity to be assigned each day (teacher reading a class
text, Times Table Rock Stars, Numbots, handwriting exercise etc.)
For those who are sharing devices or are unable to attend at the specific times, all the videos including the live sessions will be recorded and uploaded so should be available to access all of the content at any point in the day.
When you complete your work, please take a photo and send it to us at [email protected] if you can and contact us if you need any help.
The children will need access to their online passwords, most importantly their Google Classroom logins, to access the work. These have already been sent home with the children, but if you need them please contact us as soon as you can.
Stay safe!
Mrs Fawkes, Mrs Whitfield and Mr Dawson.