We are proud to announce that our Early Years environment has received the Early Years Quality Mark. This award promotes and supports the development of young children in their communication, language and early mathematical skills. It is a national award that recognises a school’s commitment to the on-going development of pupils’ literacy and numeracy skills in Nursery and Reception.
The school were assessed against the 10 elements of the Quality Mark criteria.
Upon receiving this award, we were highly praised for our strong links between school and home. It was noted that the commitment of our Early Years team and senior leaders ensure that parent/carer partnerships are secure and effective.
The learning environment in both Nursery and Reception was highly praised due to the team’s commitment and positive attitudes towards children’s learning, development and interests. It was pointed out that the Early Years team work hard to provide exciting and engaging learning opportunities for the children both indoors and outdoors, as well as in partnership with professionals from the local community.
The assessor was very much impressed with the excellent attitude towards learning that is shown by the Early Years pupils in our school. He commented on the ‘rapid’ progress the children make in our setting and our ongoing commitment to developing ‘school ready’ learners.