As you know, pets and other animals are so important to us and to our world. Here are some suggestions to help out our animal friends:
Being kind to animals
Have a kind play time with your pet. Even if it’s just 10 minutes to play, your pet should enjoy it.
Help to tidy up the area your pet sleeps in.
Create a corner for nature
A leaf pile – A leaf pile provides a place for worms, gives shelter to other creatures, and will also supply valuable compost that will naturally fertilise your garden’s soil.
Long grass and nettles – Long grassy areas will attract insects, provide shelter for animals, and give food for predators.
Logs – Logs provide an excellent hiding place for all sorts of amphibians, frogs and ground beetles.
Herbs and flowers – attracts pollinating minibeasts and birds.
A spoonful of water and sugar – a simple mixture of sugar and water will help revive an exhausted bee. Simply mix two tablespoons of white, granulated sugar with one tablespoon of water, and leave some on a spoon.
Bird feeder – recycle a plastic bottle.